On this sites you can find wide variety of components for serial data communication. We are presenting data serial interfaces - RS232, RS422, RS485, repeaters RS485 and RS422, isolators RS232, serial interfaces to USB, Ethernet, Fiber Optic multimode and single mode, radio modem 433MHz and 2.4GHz (WiFi), GPRS, current loop 0-20mA and ±20mA, datalogger , etc.
Besides development and manufacture of data serial interfaces which is the basic activity of our company, we offer a number of accessories for use in serial data communications.
The second area of our products are special applications - hardware and software design, microprocessor-based control systems and communication.
We believe that your systems equipped with our data serial interfaces will create a trouble-free combination in all your applications, and we are looking forward to work with you.
ComErgon Ltd., Cachticka 23, 831 06 Bratislava, Slovak Republic Phone: +421-950 535 250 E-mail: office@comergon.sk